Extension tube is a cheap option for getting in to Macro photography.But it can give us great result too..in this post i am going to tell you about my recently bought Ex tube set..
As you know these is 2 types of Extension tubes.with and without electrical connections..This one is without Electrical connections (also the cheap one ;))..That means there is no Auto focusing and aperture changing (You can do it manual.I have explained it below)..
I am using it with my 50mm f/1.8 lens.it is all metal build and 5pcs..
As you can see,by changing these pcs you can adjust the distance between front element and the sensor..It'll help to get the minimum focusing distance you want..I'll show you how the minimum focusing distance change with this..
let's take a look at lens minimum focusing Distance without Ex tubes..
canon says It's min focusing distance is 45mm but as above pic it was 35cm..I think this is EF lens and it was due to my camera's crop sensor..here is a samlpe...
As you can see in above picture,there is 3 middle tubes with different lengths.when we change each different middle lengths has it's unique minimum focusing distance.now you can see how he minimum focusing distance changes with each middle tube..
at first,let's take a look without middle tubes..these are the samples i got..
i was pretty close when compare to without EX tubes..I measure the min focusing distance as below...
it was about 12cm..big change huh..let's see how it change with middle tubes..firts i inserted no 1 with 9mm long..a got below samples..
Let's check what the M.F.D. is..
it was 9.5cm..then i inserted 1 and 2 tubes..samples are below..
let's check the min focusing distance..
it was 7 cm..then i put all rings together..then got follow samples..
It was little bit difficult to get in focus because Depth of field was very low..as there is no aperture ring in my lens..I thought it is unable to change aperture.but after i googled it,i found a tricky way.I'll show it later.in this test i was unabled to do that.
in this time,there was only 5cm..
Now it seems like mounted a big zoom lens huh..with controlled aperture,I think it can give me a more great result.worth it a try.I'll check and post it later..
Then I inserted number 2 tube..Results were
The Min focusing Distance was 7.5cm..
I know now this is getting bored right ;)..only 2 left...hang on..then the 2 + 3...
Hmmmm it was 6.5cm and then the 3..
It was 6cm..Ok,It's over..As you can see,when the tube gets longer,you can get more close to the subject..The main difficulty is low DOF..As a told you before,You can change it..but it is not little easy..
You can put the aperture you want and press the DOF testing button,then remove the lens while pressing it..if you have Ex tube with electrical connections,then no problem..skip these..but it's little expensive I think..
Final words..As a beginner,It was all new Experience for me..I had some problems before,but now I am getting the answers..Because a dedicated macro lens is very expensive (for guys like me,actually) this is a great option.if you are not shot with one before..give it a try,I'm sure pretty worth it.. After these test i had some good shots yesterday..I'll post them later..Thanks for the reading..please note that this is some thoughts from a Amateur who learns..it any mistakes or i done anything wrong,please let me know it by a comment..also my English is bad..sorry for it too..Don't forget to put a comment..until next time..